*Required Name: First* MI Last* Rate or Rank:* Dates Onboard (M/Y - m/Y):* Street or PO Box:*? Zip* City:?* State Abb:* Home Phone: - - Work Phone: - - E-Mail:* Boat:* SS393 SSN651 What time of the year is best? (you may check more than one.)
Spring? Summer? Fall? Winter
How frequent should reunions be? Every 2 yrs? 3 yrs? 4 yrs? 5 yrs
Where would you like to see a reunion held? The location should be near a submarine base or at least a seaport. (Remember cost is a consideration for most folks.)
Portland, Oregon area.
Seattle, Bremerton, Washington area. (Tukwila, June 14-16, 2002)
San Francisco, California area.
San Diego, California area. (Last held in 1996)
New London, Connecticut area. (Last held in 1999)
Kings Bay, Georgia area
Norfolk, Virginia area
Newport News, Virginia area
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii area.
Don't forget these: Would you be interest in helping plan the reunion?* Yes? No Do you like the idea of joint Queenfish reunions?* Yes? No
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