It takes a lot of time and
hard work to plan a reunion. The most important job is the coordinator. In this case
Keith Garrison was our coordinator.
would like to thank Keith Garrison who did a most admirable job, almost all of it, by phone. He also opened
the checking account and paid the bills, sometimes out of pocket. Keith and his wife June also scouted out
the Kingsland, St. Mary's area, so we could better plan the reunion. Keith also made the Submarine Museum
arrangements and is also responsible for finding Sonny's BBQ
as one of our
caterers. Keith lives and works in North Kingston, RI. Thank you Keith
Of course the coordinator needs a bunch of others to help get the job
done. |
Harrison made a lot of telephone calls, contacting people, searching for volunteers.
He also sought out the location and vendors for the reunion. Dan and his wife Ginny, sent out all the
mailings, and maintain the contact list. Dan and Ginny are also responsible for the distribution of 393
planking to Plankowners or their families. It was Dan and Ginny who chose Classic Catering
and Ramada Inn
and Suites, and
made the arrangements. All this while living and working in Taos, New Mexico. Thank you
Dan and Ginny.
Jerry Uffelman, collected your information, kept you up to
date on reunion planning via this Web site, and designed and ordered the reunion goodies, all from his home
in Sacramento, California. Thank you Jerry.
Bob Loewenthal arranged for the King's Bay tours
and kept us up to date when scheduling changes occurred. He did this from his home in Jamestown, RI.
Thank you Bob.
Nate Bramlett advised us based on his
experiences while coordinating the New London reunion in Connecticut. He also has taken charge of the reunion
signage and goodies, storing them until the next reunion. He lives in Danielson, CT. Thank you Nate.
Locally in the St. Mary's area we had Ed Gushen, and Bill Castleberry and Glenn Buford
in S. Carolina. They gave us great support by helping us set up the hospitality suite and taking care of the
myriad of last minute projects and errands. They also advised us of the who, what, and where's of the area.
Bill also found us the Florida vendor that did such a fine job on the ball caps. Ed's wife helped us with
info from the Chamber of Commerce, and Ed helped with golf course
contacts and scouting. The King's Bay Visitors Bureau gave
us the "welcome aboard bags". Thank you guys.

A big thanks to goes to Harry Hall and his efforts to help inform the 393 guys of the reunion, and
forwarding any questions they had to us. Thank you Harry.

One of the 651 plank owners Ron Webber and his wife attended. Ron is now Reverend Webber, and
volunteered to open our banquet with a prayer. Thank you Ron.
Last but not least a big thanks
goes to Becky
Eastridge at Ramada, Diane and staff at Classic Catering (St Mary's), and the folks at
Sonny's Real Southern BBQ. These folks showed us real Southern
hospitality, and made this reunion terrific.